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  • 公司规模:1—49人
  • 公司性质:国有企业
  • 所属行业:岩土·勘察
  • 所在地区:上海-上海市


专业要求: 学历要求: 不限 薪酬要求: 面议
工作地点: 上海 - 上海市 工作年限: 不限 外语要求: 无要求
招聘人数: 6人 年龄要求: 不限 有效期限: 长期有效
  • 基本要求: 
  • 上海市岩土工程检测中心,隶属于上海市规划和国土资源管理局,是上海地矿工程勘察院一家具有独立企业法人资格的经营性单位。中心依托上海规划和土地资源系统长期的技术与服务优势和地质环境工作经验,主要从事岩土工程检测、综合物理探测、工程测绘、房屋质量检测、室内环境质量检测、环境化学检测、环境工程等与建设行业、地质灾害、环境保护相关的技术服务、咨询、开发工作,以及与上述业务相关的延伸业务。


      中心在十分重视技术力量上的配备与创新的同时,非常注重检测工作质量管理。在同行业中率先通过ISO 9001:2000国际质量体系认证。按照《检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求》,本中心的岩土工程检测、房屋质量检测、室内环境质量检测等项目通过了上海市技监局的计量认证CMA,在法律上保证了本机构的第三方公正地位。




    Shanghai Geotechnical Engineering Detecting Centre is one of members of Shanghai Municipal Housing and Land & Resource Administration Bureau. It has an integrated economic entity and independent corporate capacity. Depend on our rich geology experience and resources superiority gathered over a long period of time, we can engage in all kinds of engineering detection and testing, including geotechnical engineering detection, integrated geophysics, engineering mapping, engineering structure diagnose, geologic hazard evaluation, room aerial detection, chemical analysis, environmental engineering design, and other correlative technical consulting service.

    We have more than 90 full-time regular staff, of which middling and senior engineers accounting for forty per cent. Our technological equipment is rich, including global satellite positioning system GPS, geological radar meter (SIR-20, EKKO), seismograph, infrared detector (NEC-TH9100), ultrasonoscope, building structure diagnose apparatus, proton magnetometer, atomic absorption apparatus, ion chromatograph, gas chromatography, niton survey meter, and etc. Our company has a close cooperation relationship with internal and foreign scientific research institutes, universities or colleges.

    Our company has attached great importance to quality control (QC), and passed international quality system certification (ISO9001:2000) in 2002. Thereafter, our company passed measurement attestation (CMA) of Shanghai Quality and Technology Supervision Bureau in 2004.So our company can take a third party's stand to ensure our lawful impartial data and conclusions.

    Depend on our high consciousness of responsibility, exquisite technique and superior service, we have achieved various detections of large & complicated construction project in China, especially in Shanghai, such as Shanghai Metro & Light Rail, Pudong International Airport, elevated road, Shanghai South Railway Station, and etc, including underground pipe-line, underground obstruction, mapping, monitoring deformation of foundation pit and other engineering consultative service. And we received a good appraisement of the clients.

    "Good faith, justness, mutual benefit, humanization" is our service tenet, and welcome to contact us to service the economic development of Shanghai even China hand in hand!









      1、 房屋质量检测

      2、 民用建筑工程室内环境污染检测

      3、 工程桩低应变动力检测

      4、 工程桩高应变动力检测

      5、 钻孔灌注桩成孔质量检测


      6、 静载荷试验

      7、 化学测试类




  • 职位名称 公司名称 工作地点 更新日期 操作
  • 销售工程师 北京易达新电气成套设备有限公司 北京-北京市 2024/10/8 展开 ↓
  • 行政客服 上海韵泰实业有限公司 上海-市辖区 2024/10/8 展开 ↓
  • 安装预算员 深圳市轩明达工程造价咨询有限公司 广东-深圳市 2024/10/8 展开 ↓
  • 幕墙设计师 中山市科建幕墙装饰工程有限公司 广东-中山市 2024/10/8 展开 ↓
  • 监控安装技术员 长沙傲晨科技开发有限公司 湖南-长沙市 2024/10/8 展开 ↓


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